Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Creating Complex Sentences

Here is a video that further explains the concept of complex sentences.

Check out this picture:

Which sentence is a complex sentence?

A: The balloons are lifting the house high up into the sky.
B: When the balloons popped, the house descended to the ground. 

Can you rearrange the complex sentence so that the dependent clause is at the end?
Can you think of a complex sentence for this picture?


Mercy said...

Even though the Air balloon house had millions of colourful balloons, it couldn't go higher .

Dayannara said...

Before you fly up in sky you should take the heavy things out

Armaan said...

Due to the balloons holding on to the house, the house was still in the air.
B is the answer.

David said...

B - I think is the answer.
As soon as the balloon pops, it will fall.

shayal said...

B, because it has a independent clause and a dependent clause.

linda said...

B- i think is the answer.

since the house decended to the ground the ballons are still poped

Rebecca said...

B-because it has a indepentant clause and a depentant clause.
The house descended to the ground when the balloons popped .
In order for the house to fly, it will need lots of balloons.