Friday, July 24, 2015

Fox Attack

Fola and Anushka used iMotion to create a stop-motion movie about a fox who tries to capture a little girl.


Piula, Taina and Sophie have created a stop-motion movie about a farm that gets ambushed by some men with guns!

Missing Cows

Ilaisaane and Shivika have created a stop-motion movie using iMotion about a cow thief!

Pirate Attack

Katarina used iMotion to make a stop-motion movie about two travellers who get caught by a pirate!


Caleb and Kane have used iMotion to create a narrative about a showdown between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Shredder. They added their own sound effects as well!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Gorilla Attack

Here is a stop-motion movie by Jaskaran and Nathaniel about a crazy gorilla!

Stop-motion Narrative

We have been creating narratives using the iMotion app. Here is Kiana and Ethan's movie about a girl who is chased up a tree!

Here is Kiana's first draft movie. It is very simple, but the story is clear.

Stop-motion Narratives

We have been creating narratives using the iMotion app. Here is Amron and Andrew's movie about somebody who is cutting down all of the trees in the forest. 

Math Busters

Want to know how to use the equal adjustment strategy? Well check out this video. We have other videos on our MATHS CLUB PAGE

Monday, July 20, 2015

Shivika's Booktrack

Shivika used Booktrack to create a soundtrack for her 100 word challenge story. The challenge was to summarise a story in 100 words. Shivika chose to summarise a Smurfs movie. Click on her cover to read the story and listen to the soundtrack.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Katarina's Booktrack

Katarina used Booktrack to create a soundtrack for her 100 word challenge story. The challenge was to summarise a story in 100 words. Katarina chose Dork Diaries to summarise. Click on her cover to read the story and listen to the soundtrack.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Caleb's Booktrack

Caleb used Booktrack to create a soundtrack for his 100 word challenge story. The challenge was to summarise a story in 100 words. Caleb chose an episode of Ninjago to summarise. Click on his cover to read the story and listen to the soundtrack. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Jaskaran's Booktrack

Jaskaran used Booktrack to create a soundtrack for his 100 word challenge story. The challenge was to summarise a story in 100 words. Jaskaran chose an episode of Spongebob to summarise. Click on his cover to read the story and listen to the soundtrack.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Room 6 have been learning about the Polynesian explorer Kupe. David and Devante have made a video to present their findings.