Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Looker-on

We have been studying a poem by Frank Kendon called The Looker-on.

Using the same structure, we decided to have a go at writing about our environment. Each group chose a place around the school. They sat down and took observational notes. They used their senses to describe what was around them. Here are some of the results. Can you guess what part of the school they are writing about?

Here is Caleb's poem:

Here is So'otaga's poem:

Here is a poem by Sophie:


Anonymous said...

Alysah said...
great job doing poems you guys should become a children's, story, poem writers

linda said...

wow i love your poems great one so'otanga

vaughan said...

good work you both you great work

james said...

good talking

sootaga said...

i love your comment guys thanks for the support.

sophie said...

Thx for ur comments guys